Brian Peterson

Coordinator: Biology Masters Program Online

Office: BHS 317   |    Phone: (308) 865-1589   |    Email:

Brian Peterson


Areas of Interest:

  • Fisheries
  • Entomology
  • White-tailed deer



  • Peterson, B. 2002. Biological control of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) by larvae of the white-lined sphinx moth (Hyles lineata). M.S. thesis, University of Nebraska at Kearney. 88 pp.


  • Peterson, B.C., and Schoenebeck, C.W.  2023.  Age-specific distance between white-tailed deer cast antler pairs.  Prairie Naturalist 55: N1-N6.
  • Carter, Z., Peterson, B.C., Schoenebeck, C.W., and Carlson, K.A.  2022.  Genetic protocols for DNA extraction from white-tailed deer cast antlers to confirm individuality.  Transactions of Nebraska Academy of Sciences 42:15-22.  
  • Gibson, K.L., Peterson, B.C., and Geluso, K.  2022.  Geographic distribution: Lithobates catesbeianus (American Bullfrog).  Herpetological Review 53:72-73.
  • Farriester, J.W., Peterson, B.C., Geluso, K. and Hoback, W.W.  2021.  Threatened American burying beetle (Nircrophorus americanus) consumed by northern short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda) and trap avoidance by Silphidae.  Western North American Naturalist 81(3):443-452. 
  • Peterson, B.C., Farrell, P.D., Fehlhafer, D., Reinson, M.C., and Ranglack, D.H.  2021.  Antler casting phenology and a late-breeding observation by white-tailed deer.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 41:29–41. 
  • Hoback, W. W., Freeman, L., Payton, M., and Peterson, B. C.  2020.  Burying Beetle (Coleoptera: Silphidae: Nicrophorus Fabricius) Brooding Improves Soil Fertility.  The Coleopterists Bulletin 74(2):427-433.
  • Miller, B. T., Peterson, B. C., Koupal, K. D., and Schoenebeck, C. W.  2020.  Factors Associated with Larval Freshwater Drum Annual Peak Density in a Nebraska Irrigation Reservoir.  Prairie Naturalist 52(1).
  • Fennessy, L. T., Peterson, B. C., and Geluso, K.  2020.  Geographic distribution: Ambystoma mavortium (Western tiger salamander).  Herpetological Review 51:67.
  • Forrester, A. J., Peterson, B. C., Ringenberg, J. M., Schlater, S. M., and Geluso, K.  2019. Continued westward expansion of woodchucks (Marmota monax) in Nebraska.  Western North American Naturalist 79:574–580.
  • Peterson, B. C., Schoenebeck, C. W.,  and Fryda, N. J.  2019.  Effects of extreme environmental conditions on white-tailed deer antlers.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 43(4):708-716.
  • Forrester, A. J., Peterson, B. C., Geluso, K., Santos, L. V., and Hoback, W. W.  2019.  Terrapene ornata (Ornate Box Turtle): Diet.  Herpetological Review 50:128-129.
  • Miller, B. T., Peterson, B. C., Koupal, K. D., and Schoenebeck, C. W.  2018.  Long-term changes in biotic and abiotic factors influence larval gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) annual peak density.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology 33:173-181.
  • Buck, M. J., Peterson, B. C., and Geluso, K.  2018.  Geographic distribution: Plestiodon septentrionals (Prairie skink).  Herpetological Review 49:74.
  • Shaffer, J. J., Peterson, B. C., and Koupal, K. D.  2017.  Assessment of seasonal changes in abiotic and zooplankton communities in highly and moderately alkaline sandhills lakes.  Great Plains Research 27:109-116.
  • Peterson, B. C., Koupal, K. D., Schissel, A. K., and Siegel, C. M.  2015.  Longevity of mineral supplements within the soil and associated use by white-tailed deer.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 35:61-67.
  • Olds, B., Peterson, B. C., Koupal, K. D., Schoenebeck, C. W., Farnsworth-Hoback, K. M., and Hoback, W. W.  2014.  Zooplankton density increases in an irrigation reservoir during drought conditions.  Transactions of Nebraska Academy of Sciences 34:27-32.
  • Lingenfelter, A. R., Geluso, K., Nenneman, M. P., Peterson, B. C., and Kerby, J. L.  2014.  Distribution, Diet, and Prevalence of Amphibian Chytrid Fungus in Non-native American Bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) at the Valentine National Wildlife Refuge, Nebraska, USA.  The Journal of North American Herpetology 1:81-86.
  • Schoenebeck, C. W., and Peterson, B. C.  2014.  Evaluation of Hunter Antler-Size Selection through an Age-specific Comparison of Harvested Antler Metrics with Naturally Cast Antlers.  Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 5(1):167-173.
  • Koupal, K. D., Peterson, B. C., Schoenebeck, C. W.  2013.  Assessment of a Rotenone Application Event at Morman Island West Lake in Central Nebraska.  Transaction of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 33:1-6.
  • Schoenebeck, C. W., Peterson, B. C., and Obermiller, J. A.  2013.  Accuracy of Antler Metrics in Predicting Age of White-tailed Deer and Mule Deer.  Great Plains Research 23:33-37.
  • Sullivan, C. L, Koupal, K. D., Hoback, W. W., Peterson, B. C., and Schoenebeck, C. W.  2012.  Food Habits and Abundance of Larval Freshwater Drum in a South-Central Nebraska Irrigation Reservoir.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology 27:111-121.
  • Sullivan, C. L., Schoenebeck C. W., Koupal, K. D., Hoback, W. W., and Peterson, B. C.  2011.  Patterns of Age-0 Gizzard Shad Abundance and Food Habits in a Nebraska Irrigation Reservoir.  The Prairie Naturalist 43:110-116.
  • Peterson, B. C., Fryda, N. J., Koupal, K. D., and Sellars, B.  2011.  Assessment of Water Quality and Response Rate of Zooplankton in a Nebraska “Borrow Pit” After Rotenone Application.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 32:69-74.
  • Katt, J. D., Peterson, B. C., Koupal, K. D., Schoenebeck, C. W., and Hoback, W.W.  2011.  Changes in Relative Abundance of Adult Walleye and Egg Density Following the Addition of Walleye Spawning Habitat in a Midwest Irrigation Reservoir.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology 26:51-58.
  • Olds, B. P., Peterson, B.C., Koupal, K. D., Skinner, K. M., Schoenebeck, C. W., and Hoback, W. W.  2011.  Water Quality Parameters of Nebraska Reservoir Differ Between Drought and Normal Conditions.  Lake and Reservoir Management 27:229-234.
  • Maline, K.M., Peterson, B. C., Koupal, K. D., and Hoback, W. W.  2011.  Distribution of Zooplankton in Harlan County Reservoir, Nebraska.  Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 32:78-82.
  • Katt, J. D., Schoenebeck, C. W., Koupal, K. D., Peterson, B. C., and Hoback, W. W.  2010.  Correlation of Mature Walleye Relative Abundance to Egg Density.  The Prairie Naturalist 42(3/4):145-147.
  • Peterson, B. C., Cecrle, J. P., Simonson, R. L., Hossain, S. A., and Nagel, H. G.  2008.  Biological control of purple loosestrife using native white-lined sphinx moth larvae.  Proceedings of the North American Prairie Conference 20:1-18.
  • Peterson, B. C., Fryda, N. J., Koupal, K. D., and Hoback, W. W.  2005.  Daphnia lumholtzi, an Exotic Zooplankton, Invading a Nebraska Reservoir.  Prairie Naturalist 37:11-19.